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Dr. Kamatchi Priya L

Dr. Kamatchi Priya L

Dr. Kamatchi Priya L

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D, Anna University, 2018
  • M.E, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2007
  • B.E, Sethu Institute of technology, Enathi, 2005


  • Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consulting Service, 2007 – 2009
  • Sr. Assistant Professor, Vickram College of Engineering, 2009 – 2016
  • Associate Professor, New Horizon College of Engineering, 2018 – 2020


  • Data Structures
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Programming in C
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Object-oriented analysis and design

Research Interests

  • Disease Prediction
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics


  • Aishwarya, Ravi, K. Pavitra, Primal Viola Miranda, K. Keerthana and Kamatchi Priya,L , “Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Fisher Score based Recursive Feature Elimination.” In 2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2023.
  • Adhikary, Sneha, S. M. Manasa, S. K. Shreesha, Shreya Bhat and L. Kamatchi Priya.”Automatic Music Generation of Indian Classical Music based on Raga.” In 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.


  • Kamatchi Priya L (2020) “Missing Data Imputation methods for Autism Prediction”, International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (5), 5580-5584.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, (2018), “Improvising Classification Performance for high dimensional and small sample data sets�, Asian journal of Information and technology. 17 (4), 261-270
  • Kamatchi Priya L, (2018), “Data Analytics: Feature Extraction for Application with Small Sample in Classification Algorithms”, International of Business Informational Systems, 26 (3), 378-401.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, Dr.M.K.Kavitha Devi (2015), “Spending on Education Determinant of Economic Growth Using Structural Equation Modeling”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10 (7), 17991-18005.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, “Laplancian Fisher Clustering based Feature subset selection for semi-supervised data”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(75), 263-269.
  • Kamatchi Priya L (2014), “A Review on linear and nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Seven Techniques for Dimensionality Reduction”, An International Journal of Machine Learning and Applications (MLAIJ), 1(1).
  • Kamatchi Priya L (2014), “A Review on linear and nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques “, An International Journal of Machine Learning and Applications (MLAIJ),1(1),65-76.
  • Mukhtar, Afzal, Hritika Rahul Mehta, S. Abirami, Sukeerthi Adi and Kamatchi priya.L, “Mood Based Music Recommendation for a Mall using Real-time Image.” Journal of Positive School Psychology 6, no. 3 (2022): 2975-2981.


  • Aishwarya, Ravi, K. Pavitra, Primal Viola Miranda, K. Keerthana, and L. Kamatchi Priya.”Parkinson’s Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning.” In Real-World Solutions for Diversity, Strategic Change, and Organizational Development: Perspectives in Healthcare, Education, Business, and Technology, pp. 311-330. IGI Global, 2023.


  • Ph.D, Anna University, 2018
  • M.E, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2007
  • B.E, Sethu Institute of technology, Enathi, 2005


  • Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consulting Service, 2007 – 2009
  • Sr. Assistant Professor, Vickram College of Engineering, 2009 – 2016
  • Associate Professor, New Horizon College of Engineering, 2018 – 2020


  • Data Structures
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Programming in C
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Object-oriented analysis and design

Research Interests

  • Disease Prediction
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics


  • Aishwarya, Ravi, K. Pavitra, Primal Viola Miranda, K. Keerthana and Kamatchi Priya,L , “Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Fisher Score based Recursive Feature Elimination.” In 2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2023.
  • Adhikary, Sneha, S. M. Manasa, S. K. Shreesha, Shreya Bhat and L. Kamatchi Priya.”Automatic Music Generation of Indian Classical Music based on Raga.” In 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.


  • Kamatchi Priya L (2020) “Missing Data Imputation methods for Autism Prediction”, International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (5), 5580-5584.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, (2018), “Improvising Classification Performance for high dimensional and small sample data sets�, Asian journal of Information and technology. 17 (4), 261-270
  • Kamatchi Priya L, (2018), “Data Analytics: Feature Extraction for Application with Small Sample in Classification Algorithms”, International of Business Informational Systems, 26 (3), 378-401.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, Dr.M.K.Kavitha Devi (2015), “Spending on Education Determinant of Economic Growth Using Structural Equation Modeling”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10 (7), 17991-18005.
  • Kamatchi Priya L, “Laplancian Fisher Clustering based Feature subset selection for semi-supervised data”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(75), 263-269.
  • Kamatchi Priya L (2014), “A Review on linear and nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Seven Techniques for Dimensionality Reduction”, An International Journal of Machine Learning and Applications (MLAIJ), 1(1).
  • Kamatchi Priya L (2014), “A Review on linear and nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques “, An International Journal of Machine Learning and Applications (MLAIJ),1(1),65-76.
  • Mukhtar, Afzal, Hritika Rahul Mehta, S. Abirami, Sukeerthi Adi and Kamatchi priya.L, “Mood Based Music Recommendation for a Mall using Real-time Image.” Journal of Positive School Psychology 6, no. 3 (2022): 2975-2981.


  • Aishwarya, Ravi, K. Pavitra, Primal Viola Miranda, K. Keerthana, and L. Kamatchi Priya.”Parkinson’s Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning.” In Real-World Solutions for Diversity, Strategic Change, and Organizational Development: Perspectives in Healthcare, Education, Business, and Technology, pp. 311-330. IGI Global, 2023.

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