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Venkatesh Prasad

Venkatesh Prasad

Venkatesh Prasad

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


  • M.S Computer Engineering Management, Santa Clara University, U.S.A

Additional Information

  • 23 years of industry/IT experience in India & abroad
  • 7 years of academic experience


  • 7 years of teaching experience at PES University (Visiting Faculty for 2.5 years and Full time Faculty for 4.5 years)
  • Subjects include Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Cloud Computing, Advanced Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Unix System/Shell Programming, Problem Solving with C, Programming in Python and DAA.


  • Associate Professor, Teaching, Subject Anchor, Lab Anchor, Project Guide, Special Topics Coordinator
  • Extensive industry/IT experience of over 23 years in various domains in India, U.S.A, Australia, France and Poland
  • Software Engineer, 1st line and 2nd line Engineering Test Manager at Integra, HCL-HP, BULL France, HP and Cisco driving various projects in the areas of HP Operating System, Router OS, Network Management, Network Security and Database

Research Guidance

  • Networking, Network Security, Cloud Computing, Blockchain and Operating Systems


  • Participated in 2021 IEEE CCEM (Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets) Pre-conference Workshop and showcased the Student Project titled “College Social Application”
  • Cloud Native Security Service with Paper ID “ICETM-22-268” , May 2022
  • Cloud-Based Attendance System, Paper Id : IJERTV12IS030133, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) in March 2023


  • Live Performance Monitoring on a OpenStack Cloud, International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review, May 2023,


  • M.S Computer Engineering Management, Santa Clara University, U.S.A


  • 23 years of industry/IT experience in India & abroad
  • 7 years of academic experience


  • Post Doctor Research Fellow: Queens University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland , United Kingdom


  • 7 years of teaching experience at PES University (Visiting Faculty for 2.5 years and Full time Faculty for 4.5 years)
  • Subjects include Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Cloud Computing, Advanced Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Unix System/Shell Programming, Problem Solving with C, Programming in Python and DAA.


  • Associate Professor, Teaching, Subject Anchor, Lab Anchor, Project Guide, Special Topics Coordinator
  • Extensive industry/IT experience of over 23 years in various domains in India, U.S.A, Australia, France and Poland
  • Software Engineer, 1st line and 2nd line Engineering Test Manager at Integra, HCL-HP, BULL France, HP and Cisco driving various projects in the areas of HP Operating System, Router OS, Network Management, Network Security and Database

Research Guidance

  • Networking, Network Security, Cloud Computing, Blockchain and Operating Systems


  • Participated in 2021 IEEE CCEM (Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets) Pre-conference Workshop and showcased the Student Project titled “College Social Application”
  • Cloud Native Security Service with Paper ID “ICETM-22-268” , May 2022
  • Cloud-Based Attendance System, Paper Id : IJERTV12IS030133, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) in March 2023


  • Live Performance Monitoring on a OpenStack Cloud, International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review, May 2023,

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