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Revathi G P

Revathi G P

Revathi G P

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor


  • B.E, PES Shivamogga, 2013
  • M.Tech, RVCE, 2019


  • Assistant Professor, PES University, 2019 – Till date


  • Problem Solving with C
  • Python
  • WEB programming


  • Internship coordinator
  • Curriculum Coordinator

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things
  • IOT in Agriculture
  • Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Farm Easy- IoT based Automated Irrigation, Monitoring and Pest Detection using ThingSpeak for Analysis of Ladies Finger Plant.2020 5th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT-2020), November 12th & 13th 2020
  • Survey on Wireless Transmission Technology used for Agriculture Monitoring. Paper Published in CiiT International Journal of Automation and Autonomous System Vol 10, No 5, May 2018


  • Paper Title: Development of Smart Agricultural Monitoring and Automatic Irrigation System Paper Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST) in Volume 7, Issue 3, May- 2019
  • Agriculture Monitoring with LoRa Based Wireless Sensor Networks Paper Published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development [IJSRD] in e-journal. Volume 7,Issue 2,in April 2019.


  • B.E, PES Shivamogga, 2013
  • M.Tech, RVCE, 2019


  • Assistant Professor, PES University, 2019 – Till date


  • Problem Solving with C
  • Python
  • WEB programming


  • Internship coordinator
  • Curriculum Coordinator

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things
  • IOT in Agriculture
  • Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Farm Easy- IoT based Automated Irrigation, Monitoring and Pest Detection using ThingSpeak for Analysis of Ladies Finger Plant.2020 5th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT-2020), November 12th & 13th 2020
  • Survey on Wireless Transmission Technology used for Agriculture Monitoring. Paper Published in CiiT International Journal of Automation and Autonomous System Vol 10, No 5, May 2018


  • Paper Title: Development of Smart Agricultural Monitoring and Automatic Irrigation System Paper Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST) in Volume 7, Issue 3, May- 2019
  • Agriculture Monitoring with LoRa Based Wireless Sensor Networks Paper Published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development [IJSRD] in e-journal. Volume 7,Issue 2,in April 2019.

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