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Gauri Sameer Rapate

Gauri Sameer Rapate

Gauri Sameer Rapate

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor


  • Ph.D (Pursuing)- CSE,, VTU, 2016
  • M.E-CSE, Anna University, 2010
  • B.E-CSE, Nagpur University, 2005


  • Assistant Professor, PES University, August-2021 – Till Date
  • Assistant Professor, Vemana Institute of Technology, July-2011 – July-2021
  • Lecturer, Vemana Institute of Technology, Jan-2008 – June-2009


  • Internet of Things
  • Automata Formal Language and Language and Logic Course Information
  • Compiler Design
  • Java and J2EE
  • Object Oriented Modelling and Design
  • Web Technology


  • Class Teacher
  • Mentor

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things–Energy Optimization


  • 4. Gauri S Rapate, N C Naveen; Energy and Routing Efficiency in IoT: Proposal for Combined Approach, 2018 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)


  • 1. Gauri S. Rapate, Dr Naveen N C A Survey on Routing Protocols of Internet of Things International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Volume 6 Issue 5 Pages 5892-5898 IJIRCCE
  • 2. Gauri Sameer Rapate, Dr. Naveen N C, Energy Efficient QoS guaranteed Cross Layer Solution (EEQCL) for Mesh Backbone IOT Networks International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume8 Issue-32 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • 3. Gauri Sameer Rapate, Dr. Naveen N C, Energy Aware and Efficient Routing by Load Distribution for IoT Devices, Design Engineering, Pg. No. 4664-4673, Issue 7, 2021


  • Ph.D (Pursuing)- CSE,, VTU, 2016
  • M.E-CSE, Anna University, 2010
  • B.E-CSE, Nagpur University, 2005


  • Assistant Professor, PES University, August-2021 – Till Date
  • Assistant Professor, Vemana Institute of Technology, July-2011 – July-2021
  • Lecturer, Vemana Institute of Technology, Jan-2008 – June-2009


  • Internet of Things
  • Automata Formal Language and Language and Logic Course Information
  • Compiler Design
  • Java and J2EE
  • Object Oriented Modelling and Design
  • Web Technology


  • Class Teacher
  • Mentor

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things–Energy Optimization


  • 4. Gauri S Rapate, N C Naveen; Energy and Routing Efficiency in IoT: Proposal for Combined Approach, 2018 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)


  • 1. Gauri S. Rapate, Dr Naveen N C A Survey on Routing Protocols of Internet of Things International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Volume 6 Issue 5 Pages 5892-5898 IJIRCCE
  • 2. Gauri Sameer Rapate, Dr. Naveen N C, Energy Efficient QoS guaranteed Cross Layer Solution (EEQCL) for Mesh Backbone IOT Networks International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume8 Issue-32 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
  • 3. Gauri Sameer Rapate, Dr. Naveen N C, Energy Aware and Efficient Routing by Load Distribution for IoT Devices, Design Engineering, Pg. No. 4664-4673, Issue 7, 2021

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