Dr. Karthiyayini O
Dr. Karthiyayini O
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Mysore, 2009
- Professor, PES University – Electronic City Campus, Bangalore, 2018 – Till date
- Professor, PESIT – Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2016 – 2018
- Associate Professor, PESIT – Bangalore South Campus(Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2011 – 2016
- Assistant Professor, PESIT – Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2010 – 2011
- Lecturer, PESIT – Bangalore South Campus (Formerly PES School of Engineering), Bangalore, 2005 – 2010
- Lecturer, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mysore, 1999 – 2005
- Engineering Mathematics for Ist year BTech of PES Unversity
- Engineering Mathematics for 1st and 2nd year B. E of V.T.U
- Quantitative Techniques 1st year MBA of V.T.U during 2013 -14
- Operations Research for 1st year MBA of V.T.U during 2012 -13
- Discrete Mathematical Structures for 2nd year B. E Computer science and Information science branch of V.T.U. during 2007 – 08
- Graph theory for 2nd year Computer science and Information science branch of V.T.U. during 2003 – 04
- Mathematics for 1st year MCA of V.T.U during 2003 – 04
- Chairperson, Department of Science & Humanities, PES University – Electronic City Campus, Bangalore from 2018 till date.
- Head of the Department, Department of Science & Humanities from 2011 to 2018
- Head of Mathematics Research Centre, PESIT – Bangalore South Campus from 2012 till date
Research Interest
- Geometric function Theory
Research Guidance
- Total No. of Research Scholars : 03
- No. of Scholars who are awarded PhD : 01
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Some interesting properties of functions in the generalized Ruscheweyh class proceedings of National conference on Advances in Mathematics and its Applications, 21 29, 2004.
- Kanas. S, Sivasankari.V, Karthiyayini.O, and Sivasubramanian.S, Second Hankel determinant for a certain subclass of Bi-close to Convex Functions defined by Kaplan, Symmetry, 13(4), 2021, 567.
- Sivasankari. V, Karthiyayini. O and Magesh. N , Certain subclass of bi-univalent functions defined using the Chebyshev polynomials, Afrika Mathematica, 32(1), 2021, 89-103 .
- Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of bi-univalent function defined using convolution, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 8 (1), 2019, 229-234
Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and Karthiyayini O, A New Approach to Find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem, International Journal of Research � Granthaalayah A knowledge Repository, 6(5), May 2018( ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1283413).
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and Karthiyayini O, A Comparative Study Of Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Fuzzy Transportation Problems Using Anova, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5(8), August 2018.www.jetir.org , (ISSN-2349-5162).
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta, Karthiyayini O and Anita Chaturvedi, A New Heuristic Approach To Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Crisp And Fuzzy Transportation Problems, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,11(2), 2018, Pages 105-113 ISSN: 2277-1417 . http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/UM011020105
- Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with Chebyshev polynomial, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 5(2), 2018, 226-232.
- Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new subclass of meromorphic bi-univalent functions associated with linear operator, Int. J. Pure. Appl. Math. 10(2), 2017, 141-146.
- Karthiyayini. O and Sivasankari. V, A new sub-class of meromorphic function, Int. J. Comp. Mat. Sci. 6(7), 2017, 8-15.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions Associated with Chebyshev Polynomial, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 5(2), 226 – 232.
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini , A New Heuristic Approach To Find The Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Crisp And Fuzzy Transportation Problems, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 11(2), 2018, 105-113, ISSN: 2277-1417 . http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/UM011020105
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini ,A Comparative Study Of Initial Basic Feasible Solution Of Fuzzy Transportation Problems Using Anova, JETIR, 5(8), August 2018, www.jetir.org , (ISSN-2349-5162).
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini , A New Approach to Find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem, International Journal of Research � Granthaalayah A knowledge Repository, 6 (5), May 2018, ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1283413.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Meromorphic Bi – Univalent Functions Associated with a Linear Operator, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences (IJPAMS), 10(2), 2017, 141 – 146.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, A New Subclass of Meromorphic Functions, International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS), 6(7), 2017, 8 – 15.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, Subordination Results for a Class of ϒ�Spirallike Functions, Annals of Oradea University – Mathematics Fascicola 24 (1), 2017, 19-24.
- Ravikumar R, Radha Gupta and O Karthiyayini, Statistical investigation of various methods to find the Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation problem, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 5( VII), July 2017(IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, Coefficient inequality for some subclass of meromorphic functions, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 11 (3), 2016, 275-279.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, New sub-classes of bi-univalent functions defined by subordination, International conference on mathematics 2015 4 (2), 453-456.
- O Karthiyayini and V Sivasankari, New sub-classes of bi-univalent functions defined using the convolution structure, International Journal of Mathematical Archive 6 (12), 2015, 57-61.
- Harikrishna S, Abida Begum and Karthiyayini Roy, Performance of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Seed Extract as Inhibitor on Mild steel under Corrosive Medium-A Statistical View, International Journal of ChemTech Research CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290, Vol.5, No.4, April- June 2013, 1829-1834.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Inequalities for A New Class of Analytic Functions Defined Using The Convolution Structure, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Volume 7 Number 2 (2012), pp. 103-108.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Neighborhoods of certain classes of analytic functions with negative co-efficients, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Volume 7 Number 2 (2012), pp. 93-102.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Estimates for a certain class of analytic functions defined using the Generalized Carlson Shaffer Operator, International Journal of Mathematical Archive-3(9), 2012, 3472-3476.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Inclusion and Neighborhood Properties of Certain Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Vol 6, Number 1(2011), pp.79-84.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Convolution Conditions for Certain Analytic Functions�, �International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, Vol 5, No.3, 2011.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Coefficient Inequalities for Certain Classes of Analytic and Univalent Functions, International journal of Mathematical Archive 2(2), 1-9, Feb 2011.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, On Subclasses of Ruscheweyh Class Function of Order α and type β , International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, Vol 4, No.1, March 2010.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, Certain Class Of Analytic and Univalent Functions Involving The Ruscheweyh Derivative Operator, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 3, no. 33 � 36, 2009.
- Latha S and Karthiyayini O, A New Sub-class of Multivalent Functions, Advances in Inequalities for Series, 135 – 145, 2008. [Book Chapter]
- B.E., Visvesvaraya Technological University, 2004
- M.Tech., Manipal University (Formerly known as MAHE), 2007
- Ph.D., Bharathiar University, 2019
- Lecturer, K. V. G. College of Engineering, Sullia, 23-08-2004 – 05-03-2005
- Project Trainee, NXP Semiconductors India Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Philips Electronics India Ltd. ), 19-06-2006 – 31-05-2007
- Lecturer, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 09-03-2005 – 15-07-2005
- Lecturer, P E S Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 02-07-2007 – 31-12-2010
- Assistant Professor, P E S School of Engineering, Bangalore, 01-08-2011 – 31-03-2017
- Associate Professor, P E S School of Engineering / PES University, 01-04-2017 – Till Date
- Senior Lecturer, P E S Institute of Technology, 01-01-2011 – 31-07-2011
- Automata, Formal Languages and Logic
- Operating System
- Artificial Intelligence
- System Modeling & Simulation
- System Software
- Natural Language Processing
- Deputy Controller of Examinations
Research Interest
- Digital Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Handwritten Kannada Characters Recognition using BRISK descriptors”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology, 28th & 29th August 2015
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Handwritten Kannada Numerals Recognition using Structural Features and Support Vector Machines”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology, 28th & 29th August 2015.
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Handwritten Kannada Numerals recognition using histogram of oriented gradient descriptor and support vector machines”, International conference on emerging ICT for bridging future, 12-14 December, 2014
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Handwritten Kannada Numerals recognition using SURF descriptors”, International Multi Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Technology -2014 ( published by Elsevier) during 21-23 August, 2014
- Karthik S, Mamatha H R. and Srikanta Murthy K, “A Statistical and Structural Feature Based Approach for the Recognition of Isolated Handwritten Kannada Characters”, submitted to IEEE conference ICHCI’13, presented during 23-24 Aug 2013 at Chennai
- Mamatha H R , Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Classifier Fusion Method to Recognize Handwritten Kannada Numerals”, Proceeding of IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, April 6 – 8, 2012, vol 1 pp 640-644.
- Mamatha H R , Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Feature Based Recognition of Handwritten Kannada Numerals – A Comparative Study”, IEEE sponsored International Conference on Computing, Communications and Applications, 22 – 24 February, 2012.
- Karthik S, Mamatha H.R Srikanta Murthy.K “A DFT Based Algorithmic Approach To Recognize The Handwritten Kannada Numerals”, accepted for presentation at the conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication technologies., CSI National Conference” to be held at Hyderabad during 14-15 October, 2011
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Deep Belief Network based approach to recognize handwritten Kannada characters using distributed average of gradients”, Springer Journal on Cluster Computing(2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2274- 0, 2018
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Deep Belief Network based approach to recognize handwritten Kannada characters using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and raw pixel features”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.11, No. 5, pp 3553-3557, 2016
- Karthik S, Srikanta Murthy K, “Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Kannada Text Using Relevance Feedback and Histogram of Oriented Gradients – A Novel Approach”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 472-476, 2016
Karthik S, Mamatha H R and Srikanta Murthy K, “An Approach based on Run Length Count for Denoising the Kannada Characters”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 50- No.18, pp 42-46, July 2012
- Karthik S, Mamatha H R and Srikanta Murthy K, “Kannada Characters Recognition – A Novel Approach Using Image Zoning and Run Length Count”, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol 3, No 16, pp 1059-1062, October 2011
Staff Contacts
Staff Contacts
- 8026721983
- karthiyayini.roy@pes.edu
- Science & Humanities
- 8026721983
- karthiks@pes.edu
- Science & Humanities
- EC Campus
- EC Campus