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Dr. Sujatha R Upadhyaya

Dr. Sujatha R Upadhyaya

Dr. Sujatha R Upadhyaya




I come from a background in entrepreneurship, academia, and research. My work experience spans over three decades. I was awarded a Ph.D. in Computer Science from IIT Madras, in 2006. Before that, I was an academician for a decade. Soon after the doctoral program, I went on to work with the industry and was a part of several well-known research labs including Infosys Labs and 24/7 iLabs. I founded a start-up Vismaya Social Innovations which worked on empowering local businesses. I assumed an academic position in 2021 as an Associate Professor and Director Of the School of CSIT at Symbiosis University, Indore. Currently, I am working as a Professor at PES University, Bengaluru. Here’s a link to my LinkedIn profile:


I come from a background in entrepreneurship, academia, and research. My work experience spans over three decades. I was awarded a Ph.D. in Computer Science from IIT Madras, in 2006. Before that, I was an academician for a decade. Soon after the doctoral program, I went on to work with the industry and was a part of several well-known research labs including Infosys Labs and 24/7 iLabs. I founded a start-up Vismaya Social Innovations which worked on empowering local businesses. I assumed an academic position in 2021 as an Associate Professor and Director Of the School of CSIT at Symbiosis University, Indore. Currently, I am working as a Professor at PES University, Bengaluru. Here’s a link to my LinkedIn profile:


  • Ph.D, IIT Madras, 2006
  • M.Tech, NIT Karnataka, 1997
  • B. E, Mysore University, 1990


  • Associate Prof and Director (Additional Charge), Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, 2021 – 2022
  • Founder and CEO, Vismaya Social Innovations, 2015 – 2022
  • Head (Research), Xurmo Labs, 2012 – 2014
  • Research Scientist, Infosys Labs, 2007 – 2012
  • Manager (Analytics), 24/7 iLabs, 2006 – 2007
  • Research Scholar, IIT Madras, 2002 – 2006
  • Faculty Member, MIT Manipal, 1992 – 2002
  • Faculty Member, Nitte University, 1991 – 1992

Additional Information

  • Served as the Member of Academic Council, SUAS, 2021-2022
  • Served as the Member of the Board of Studies, School of CSIT, SUAS. 2021-2022
  • ORCID Id: 0009-0006-5526-0557
  • Link to my irins page


  • Awarded Infosys Fellowship during my PhD Program at IIT Madras (2002-2006)
  • The research on Neuro Linguistic Programming and Text Analytics formed a base for Products developed by 24/7 Customer.
  • Awards for individual and team contributions during the career period in Infosys. Notable one wasfor single-handedly organizing the TDWI India Chapter event in Infosys
  • The paper published in Elsevier’s Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing titled “Parallel Approaches to Machine Learning – A Comprehensive Survey” was the 5th highly downloaded paper in 2013
  • Patents – Awarded (2) Published (6)
  • Invited Talks/ Presentations
  • Short-term course on AI-based Decision Support Systems – Assessment Partner – VIT Chennai – Feb 2020
  • NIT Karnataka – BIG LEARN Workshop, Talk on Role of NLP in BIG data Analytics, 23 Feb 2014.
  • IIIT – Hyderabad – Talk on Big Data Research – May 2012
  • PSG College of Tech. – Seminar on Research Trends in Big Data – March 2012
  • Member of the Board of Studies, School of CSIT, SUAS. 2021-2022
  • As the President of the Institute’s Innovation Council led SUAS to achieve a 3.5-star rating (2021-22) in the maiden year and SUAS entered ARIIA (Current NIRF INNOVATION) Ranking


  • Graph Theory and Analysis (Aug-Dec) 2022, (Aug-Dec) 2023
  • Network Mining and Analysis (Jan-May) 2022, (Jan-May) 2023
  • Database Management – (Aug – Dec) 2022
  • Data Analytics (Aug -Dec) 2023
  • Cloud Computing (Jan – May) 2022, (Jan-May) 2023


  • At this point in time, my responsibilities include teaching and research. I currently teach Data Analytics and Graph Theory. In the recent times, I have taught Network Mining and Analysis, Cloud Computing, Database Management and Machine Learning. Current focus of my research several aspects of Machine Learning including Large Language Models and Security aspects in Cloud Computing
  • Faculty Co-ordinator – AlCoding Club
  • Faculty Advisor

Research Interest

  • ‘Swarm Learning for Oncology Research’ – Jan 2022- June 2023
  • A Privacy-Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection”, Aug 22 – June 23
  • Image Tampering Detection – Capstone Project (2023-24)
  • Cricket Player Performance Analysis Using VIDEO Processing – Capstone (2023-24)
  • AI Based Surveillance System – Capstone 2023-24
  • Ad-spend Analytics – Capstone (2023-34)
  • Video based sign language recognition and translation – Capstone (2023-24)

Research Guidance

  • ‘Swarm Learning for Oncology Research’ – Jan 2022- June 2023
  • A Privacy-Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection”, Aug 22 – June 23
  • Image Tampering Detection – Capstone Project (2023-24)
  • Cricket Player Performance Analysis Using VIDEO Processing – Capstone (2023-24)
  • AI Based Surveillance System – Capstone 2023-24
  • Ad-spend Analytics – Capstone (2023-34)
  • Video based sign language recognition and translation – Capstone (2023-24)


  • Meena K, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, A Privacy- Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection, In Proceedings of ICIRCA, 3- 5, Aug 2023, Coimbatore, India – Accepted
  • David Toth, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, An experiment with Asymmetric Algorithm CPU Vs. GPU, DASFAA 2012, 15-18 April 2012, Busan, South Korea
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Satyabrata Pradhan, A Data Model In XML Schema for an Inference and Diagnostic Framework, IEEE TENCON, 19-21 Sep 2008. <a href=”″>DOI:10.1109/TENCON.2008.476685 0</a>
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya and P Sreenivasa Kumar, ERONTO: A tool for extracting OWL ontologies from Extended E/R Schema, In proceedings of ACM SAC 2005, Pages 555-671, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, March 13-17 2005.
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Saleena N, and P Sreenivasa Kumar, Knowledge Table Driven Ontology Enhancement, In Proceedings of International Description Logic Workshop – DL 2005, Page 228, Edinburgh, UK, July 26-28, 2005.
  • Sandhya Revuri, Sujatha R. Upadhyaya, P. Sreenivasa Kumar & Using Domain Ontologies for Efficient Information Retrieval&quot; COMAD 2006: Pages 170-173
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Harikrishna G N Rai, Radhakrishna Pisipati A Framework and Methodology for Location-Based Personalized Services Discovery, accepted at ICSEM 2011, SJMSOM, IIT -Bombay
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Evolving Training Methodologies for Text Mining in Social Media Monitoring Framework, In proceedings of IIMA international conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, 2011.
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, P Sreenivasa Kumar, Inferring from Ontologies with a Knowledge Table, In Proceedings of ACM SIGAI National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence. Held in Mumbai, India, 2006
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Saleena N, and P Sreenivasa Kumar, Realizing Owl Individuals in XML Data In proceedings of WEBKDD, Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, held in conjunction with the 11th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Chicago 21 Aug, 2005.
  • Ishani Bhat, Taarun Sridhar, Venkatesh B R, Anjan Yajur M, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, “Building a Video Dataset for Cricket Shot Analysis”, 2023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON -2023), 1-2 September 2023


  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Parallel Approaches to Machine Learning A Comprehensive Survey, Special Issue of Elseviers Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing on Models and Algorithms for High Performance Distributed Data Mining, Volume 73, Issue 3, March 2013
  • Seema Shetty and Sujatha R. Upadhyaya, & E- Auction : Issues involving security Vs. Business type &, In CSI Communications. 2002


  • M K MadhuMohan, Sujatha R Upadhyaya and P Sreenivasa Kumar, SAQI: Semantics Aware Query Interface, In proceedings of First International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2004), Pages 178- 193, LNCS 3347, Bhubaneswar, India, Dec 22-24, 2004.
  • Shashank H S, Anirudh B Sathyanarayana,Aniruddh Acharya, Akhil M R, SujathaUpadhyaya, ‘Swarm Learning for OncologyResearch’, Chapter in Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, [978-3-031-36401-3, MIWAI 2023, LNCS 14078]


  • Granted Patents:
  • System & method for building relationship hierarchy, Application number: 13/755062, Type: Granted, Patent number: 9239830, Date of Patent: January 19, 2016, Assignee: XURMO TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Systems and methods for semantic data integration, Application number: 13/531117, Patent number: 9406018, Type: Granted, Date of Patent: August 2, 2016, Assignee: Infosys Limited, Inventors: Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya, Radha Krishna Pisipati
  • Filed Patents:
  • System & method for mining patterns from relationship sequences extracted from big data: US20140046977A1, Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Method & system for building entity hierarchy from big data: US20140046653A1, Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Method & system for visualizing information extracted from big data: US2014004692A1, 13th Feb 2014 Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • System and method for sharing and analyzing clinical data over the medical social network- US20130054481 A1, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • System and method System and method for analyzing data, visualizing data movements, quality and value upgrades along a data-value chain, and producing information goods. Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Radhakrishna Pisipati Published, 359/CHE/2012
  • System And Method For Sharing, Analyzing And Consolidating Medical Data In A Social Network, Sujatha Upadhyaya, Radhakrishna Pisipati, 28-Feb-13 US Published (US20130054481A1)
  • In-house Journal Articles:
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, “Promoting Analytics Services on Converged Digital Data,” Special Issue on Digital Convergence – SETLabs Briefings Aug 2010
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Venugopal Subbarao, “Operational Intelligence and Predictive Analytics Workbench – The KE approach, Leveraging IT for Better performance, SETLabs Briefings, Vol 8, No 2, 2010
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Swaminathan Natarajan, Komal Kachru “Support to Decision Making” SETLabs Briefings, Vol7, No 5, 2009


  • Ph.D, IIT Madras, 2006
  • M.Tech, NIT Karnataka, 1997
  • B. E, Mysore University, 1990


  • Associate Prof and Director (Additional Charge), Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, 2021 – 2022
  • Founder and CEO, Vismaya Social Innovations, 2015 – 2022
  • Head (Research), Xurmo Labs, 2012 – 2014
  • Research Scientist, Infosys Labs, 2007 – 2012
  • Manager (Analytics), 24/7 iLabs, 2006 – 2007
  • Research Scholar, IIT Madras, 2002 – 2006
  • Faculty Member, MIT Manipal, 1992 – 2002
  • Faculty Member, Nitte University, 1991 – 1992

Additional Information

  • Served as the Member of Academic Council, SUAS, 2021-2022
  • Served as the Member of the Board of Studies, School of CSIT, SUAS. 2021-2022
  • ORCID Id: 0009-0006-5526-0557
  • Link to my irins page


  • Awarded Infosys Fellowship during my PhD Program at IIT Madras (2002-2006)
  • The research on Neuro Linguistic Programming and Text Analytics formed a base for Products developed by 24/7 Customer.
  • Awards for individual and team contributions during the career period in Infosys. Notable one wasfor single-handedly organizing the TDWI India Chapter event in Infosys
  • The paper published in Elsevier’s Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing titled “Parallel Approaches to Machine Learning – A Comprehensive Survey” was the 5th highly downloaded paper in 2013
  • Patents – Awarded (2) Published (6)
  • Invited Talks/ Presentations
  • Short-term course on AI-based Decision Support Systems – Assessment Partner – VIT Chennai – Feb 2020
  • NIT Karnataka – BIG LEARN Workshop, Talk on Role of NLP in BIG data Analytics, 23 Feb 2014.
  • IIIT – Hyderabad – Talk on Big Data Research – May 2012
  • PSG College of Tech. – Seminar on Research Trends in Big Data – March 2012
  • Member of the Board of Studies, School of CSIT, SUAS. 2021-2022
  • As the President of the Institute’s Innovation Council led SUAS to achieve a 3.5-star rating (2021-22) in the maiden year and SUAS entered ARIIA (Current NIRF INNOVATION) Ranking


  • Graph Theory and Analysis (Aug-Dec) 2022, (Aug-Dec) 2023
  • Network Mining and Analysis (Jan-May) 2022, (Jan-May) 2023
  • Database Management – (Aug – Dec) 2022
  • Data Analytics (Aug -Dec) 2023
  • Cloud Computing (Jan – May) 2022, (Jan-May) 2023


  • At this point in time, my responsibilities include teaching and research. I currently teach Data Analytics and Graph Theory. In the recent times, I have taught Network Mining and Analysis, Cloud Computing, Database Management and Machine Learning. Current focus of my research several aspects of Machine Learning including Large Language Models and Security aspects in Cloud Computing
  • Faculty Co-ordinator – AlCoding Club
  • Faculty Advisor

Research Interest

  • ‘Swarm Learning for Oncology Research’ – Jan 2022- June 2023
  • A Privacy-Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection”, Aug 22 – June 23
  • Image Tampering Detection – Capstone Project (2023-24)
  • Cricket Player Performance Analysis Using VIDEO Processing – Capstone (2023-24)
  • AI Based Surveillance System – Capstone 2023-24
  • Ad-spend Analytics – Capstone (2023-34)
  • Video based sign language recognition and translation – Capstone (2023-24)

Research Guidance

  • ‘Swarm Learning for Oncology Research’ – Jan 2022- June 2023
  • A Privacy-Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection”, Aug 22 – June 23
  • Image Tampering Detection – Capstone Project (2023-24)
  • Cricket Player Performance Analysis Using VIDEO Processing – Capstone (2023-24)
  • AI Based Surveillance System – Capstone 2023-24
  • Ad-spend Analytics – Capstone (2023-34)
  • Video based sign language recognition and translation – Capstone (2023-24)


  • Meena K, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, A Privacy- Preserving Ensemble for Spam Detection, In Proceedings of ICIRCA, 3- 5, Aug 2023, Coimbatore, India – Accepted
  • David Toth, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, An experiment with Asymmetric Algorithm CPU Vs. GPU, DASFAA 2012, 15-18 April 2012, Busan, South Korea
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Satyabrata Pradhan, A Data Model In XML Schema for an Inference and Diagnostic Framework, IEEE TENCON, 19-21 Sep 2008. <a href=”″>DOI:10.1109/TENCON.2008.476685 0</a>
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya and P Sreenivasa Kumar, ERONTO: A tool for extracting OWL ontologies from Extended E/R Schema, In proceedings of ACM SAC 2005, Pages 555-671, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, March 13-17 2005.
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Saleena N, and P Sreenivasa Kumar, Knowledge Table Driven Ontology Enhancement, In Proceedings of International Description Logic Workshop – DL 2005, Page 228, Edinburgh, UK, July 26-28, 2005.
  • Sandhya Revuri, Sujatha R. Upadhyaya, P. Sreenivasa Kumar & Using Domain Ontologies for Efficient Information Retrieval&quot; COMAD 2006: Pages 170-173
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Harikrishna G N Rai, Radhakrishna Pisipati A Framework and Methodology for Location-Based Personalized Services Discovery, accepted at ICSEM 2011, SJMSOM, IIT -Bombay
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Evolving Training Methodologies for Text Mining in Social Media Monitoring Framework, In proceedings of IIMA international conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, 2011.
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, P Sreenivasa Kumar, Inferring from Ontologies with a Knowledge Table, In Proceedings of ACM SIGAI National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence. Held in Mumbai, India, 2006
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Saleena N, and P Sreenivasa Kumar, Realizing Owl Individuals in XML Data In proceedings of WEBKDD, Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, held in conjunction with the 11th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Chicago 21 Aug, 2005.
  • Ishani Bhat, Taarun Sridhar, Venkatesh B R, Anjan Yajur M, Sujatha R Upadhyaya, “Building a Video Dataset for Cricket Shot Analysis”, 2023 International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON -2023), 1-2 September 2023


  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Parallel Approaches to Machine Learning A Comprehensive Survey, Special Issue of Elseviers Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing on Models and Algorithms for High Performance Distributed Data Mining, Volume 73, Issue 3, March 2013
  • Seema Shetty and Sujatha R. Upadhyaya, & E- Auction : Issues involving security Vs. Business type &, In CSI Communications. 2002


  • M K MadhuMohan, Sujatha R Upadhyaya and P Sreenivasa Kumar, SAQI: Semantics Aware Query Interface, In proceedings of First International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2004), Pages 178- 193, LNCS 3347, Bhubaneswar, India, Dec 22-24, 2004.
  • Shashank H S, Anirudh B Sathyanarayana,Aniruddh Acharya, Akhil M R, SujathaUpadhyaya, ‘Swarm Learning for OncologyResearch’, Chapter in Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, [978-3-031-36401-3, MIWAI 2023, LNCS 14078]


  • Granted Patents:
  • System & method for building relationship hierarchy, Application number: 13/755062, Type: Granted, Patent number: 9239830, Date of Patent: January 19, 2016, Assignee: XURMO TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Systems and methods for semantic data integration, Application number: 13/531117, Patent number: 9406018, Type: Granted, Date of Patent: August 2, 2016, Assignee: Infosys Limited, Inventors: Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya, Radha Krishna Pisipati
  • Filed Patents:
  • System & method for mining patterns from relationship sequences extracted from big data: US20140046977A1, Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Method & system for building entity hierarchy from big data: US20140046653A1, Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • Method & system for visualizing information extracted from big data: US2014004692A1, 13th Feb 2014 Inventors: Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • System and method for sharing and analyzing clinical data over the medical social network- US20130054481 A1, Sujatha Raviprasad Upadhyaya
  • System and method System and method for analyzing data, visualizing data movements, quality and value upgrades along a data-value chain, and producing information goods. Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Radhakrishna Pisipati Published, 359/CHE/2012
  • System And Method For Sharing, Analyzing And Consolidating Medical Data In A Social Network, Sujatha Upadhyaya, Radhakrishna Pisipati, 28-Feb-13 US Published (US20130054481A1)
  • In-house Journal Articles:
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, “Promoting Analytics Services on Converged Digital Data,” Special Issue on Digital Convergence – SETLabs Briefings Aug 2010
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Venugopal Subbarao, “Operational Intelligence and Predictive Analytics Workbench – The KE approach, Leveraging IT for Better performance, SETLabs Briefings, Vol 8, No 2, 2010
  • Sujatha R Upadhyaya, Swaminathan Natarajan, Komal Kachru “Support to Decision Making” SETLabs Briefings, Vol7, No 5, 2009

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