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Dr. Lata Pasupulety

Dr. Lata Pasupulety

Dr. Lata Pasupulety




  • Ph.D(Physical Chemistry, Delhi University, 1995
  • M.Sc(Physical Chemistry), Delhi University, 1990
  • B.Sc(Hons.)Chemistry, Delhi University, 1987


  • Professor and Chairperson,Dept of Science & Humanities, PES University Bangalore, 2013
  • Associate Professor, PESIT Bangalore, 2007 – 2013
  • Kuwait University, Scientific Assistant, 1996 – 2007
  • Lecturer, Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, 1994

Additional Information

  • Teaching: 15 yrs
  • Research: 16 yrs


  • CSIR Fellowship for Phd
  • M.Sc. Gold Medal, Delhi University
  • Scholarship for M.Sc., Delhi University
  • B.Sc. Science Merit Award, Delhi University
  • Scholarship for B.Sc., Delhi University


  • Engineering Chemistry


  • Chairperson, Department of Science &Humanities, PESU

Research Interest

  • Catalysis
  • Synthesis of nanoparticles

Research Guidance

  • Ph.D student


  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L. ,Kumari,K.: Thermochemistry of manganese oxides in reactive atmospheres:Probing catalytic MnOx compositions in the atmosphere of CO+O2,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 311(1-2):97-103
  • Hasan,M.A., Zaki,M.I., Kumari,K., Pasupulety,L.: Soot deep oxidation catalyzed by molybdena and molybdates: a thermogravimetric investigation,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 320(1-2):23-32
  • Zaki,M.I., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Kumari,K.:Bulk and surface characteristics of pure and alkalized Mn2O3:TG,IR,XRD,XPS,specific adsorption and redox catalytic studies, New J.Chem (1998)22(8):875-882
  • AlSagheer,F.A., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Zaki,M.I.:Low temperature synthesis of Hausmannite Mn3O4,Journal of Material Science Letters(1999)18(3): 209-211
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M. A., Pasupulety,L., Fouad, N.E., Helmut, K.:CO and CH4 total oxidation over manganese oxide supported on ZrO2,TiO2,TiO2-Al2O3 and SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts, New J.Chem (1999)23(12):1197-1202
  • Hasan, M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety, L., Kumari,K., :Promotion of the hydrogen peroxide decomposition activity of manganese oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (1999)181(1):171-179
  • Zaki,M.I.,Hasan,M.A.,AlSagheer,F.A.,Pasupulety,L.:Surface Chemistry of acetone on metal oxides:IR observation of acetone adsorption and consequent surface reactions on silica-alumina versus silica and alumina, Langmuir (2000)16(2):430-436
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Influence of CuOx additives on CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk behaviours of Mn2O3,Cr2O3 and WO3 catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (2000),198(1-2) :247-259
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Surface reactions of Acetone on Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:IR spectroscopic assessments of impacts of the surface acid-base properties, Langmuir (2001)17(3):768-774
  • Zaki,M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of 2-propanol adsorptive and catalytic interactions on metal-modified aluminas, Langmuir (2001)17(13):4025-4034
  • Zaki, M.I.,Hasan, M.A., AlSagheer, F.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectra of pyridine adsorbed on SiO2-Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:general considerations for the identification of acid-sites on surfaces of finely divided metal oxides, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects (2001)190(3):261-274
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:A spectroscopic investigation of isopropanol and methylbutynol as infra red reactive probes for base sites on polycrystalline metal oxide surfaces,Journal of molecular catalysis A :Chemical (2002)178(1-2):125-137
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:IR investigation of the oxidation of propane and likelyC-3 and C-2 products over group IV B metal oxide catalysts, J.Phys. Chem. B (2002)106(49):12747-12756
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety,L .:Oxide-catalyzed conversion of Acetic acid into acetone:an FTIR spectroscopic investigation, Applied Catalysis A:General (2003)243(1):81-92
  • Bumajdad, A.; Zaki M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L., ‘Microemulsion-based synthesis of CeO2 powders with high surface area and high temperature stabilities, Langmuir (2004) 20 (25) :11223-11233
  • Bumajdad, A.; Zaki, M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L Characterization of nano-cerias synthesized in microemulsion by N2 sorptiometery and electron microscopy :J.Coll.Interface Science(2006)302(2)501-508
  • Bumajdad, A.; Eastoe, J.; Zaki, M. I; Heenan, R. K.; Pasupulety, L.: Generation of metal oxide nanoparticles in optimised microemulsions, J. Coll. Interface Science (2007) 312(1)68-75
  • Bumajdad A.;. Hasan M.A.; Zaki M.I. ; Mekhemer G. A. H.; Pasupulety L.; Mathew A. : Impacts of CuOx additive on the CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk properties of a nano-CeO2 Catalyst,Reaction kinetics,mechanisms and catalysis(2010)99(2).


  • Ph.D(Physical Chemistry, Delhi University, 1995
  • M.Sc(Physical Chemistry), Delhi University, 1990
  • B.Sc(Hons.)Chemistry, Delhi University, 1987


  • Professor and Chairperson,Dept of Science & Humanities, PES University Bangalore, 2013
  • Associate Professor, PESIT Bangalore, 2007 – 2013
  • Kuwait University, Scientific Assistant, 1996 – 2007
  • Lecturer, Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, 1994

Additional Information

  • Teaching: 15 yrs
  • Research: 16 yrs


  • CSIR Fellowship for Phd
  • M.Sc. Gold Medal, Delhi University
  • Scholarship for M.Sc., Delhi University
  • B.Sc. Science Merit Award, Delhi University
  • Scholarship for B.Sc., Delhi University


  • Engineering Chemistry


  • Chairperson, Department of Science &Humanities, PESU

Research Interest

  • Catalysis
  • Synthesis of nanoparticles

Research Guidance

  • Ph.D student


  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L. ,Kumari,K.: Thermochemistry of manganese oxides in reactive atmospheres:Probing catalytic MnOx compositions in the atmosphere of CO+O2,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 311(1-2):97-103
  • Hasan,M.A., Zaki,M.I., Kumari,K., Pasupulety,L.: Soot deep oxidation catalyzed by molybdena and molybdates: a thermogravimetric investigation,Thermochimica Acta(1998) 320(1-2):23-32
  • Zaki,M.I., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Kumari,K.:Bulk and surface characteristics of pure and alkalized Mn2O3:TG,IR,XRD,XPS,specific adsorption and redox catalytic studies, New J.Chem (1998)22(8):875-882
  • AlSagheer,F.A., Hasan,M.A., Pasupulety,L., Zaki,M.I.:Low temperature synthesis of Hausmannite Mn3O4,Journal of Material Science Letters(1999)18(3): 209-211
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M. A., Pasupulety,L., Fouad, N.E., Helmut, K.:CO and CH4 total oxidation over manganese oxide supported on ZrO2,TiO2,TiO2-Al2O3 and SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts, New J.Chem (1999)23(12):1197-1202
  • Hasan, M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety, L., Kumari,K., :Promotion of the hydrogen peroxide decomposition activity of manganese oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (1999)181(1):171-179
  • Zaki,M.I.,Hasan,M.A.,AlSagheer,F.A.,Pasupulety,L.:Surface Chemistry of acetone on metal oxides:IR observation of acetone adsorption and consequent surface reactions on silica-alumina versus silica and alumina, Langmuir (2000)16(2):430-436
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Influence of CuOx additives on CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk behaviours of Mn2O3,Cr2O3 and WO3 catalysts, Applied Catalysis A :General (2000),198(1-2) :247-259
  • Zaki, M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:Surface reactions of Acetone on Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:IR spectroscopic assessments of impacts of the surface acid-base properties, Langmuir (2001)17(3):768-774
  • Zaki,M.I., Hasan, M.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of 2-propanol adsorptive and catalytic interactions on metal-modified aluminas, Langmuir (2001)17(13):4025-4034
  • Zaki, M.I.,Hasan, M.A., AlSagheer, F.A., Pasupulety, L .:In situ FTIR spectra of pyridine adsorbed on SiO2-Al2O3,TiO2,ZrO2 and CeO2:general considerations for the identification of acid-sites on surfaces of finely divided metal oxides, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects (2001)190(3):261-274
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:A spectroscopic investigation of isopropanol and methylbutynol as infra red reactive probes for base sites on polycrystalline metal oxide surfaces,Journal of molecular catalysis A :Chemical (2002)178(1-2):125-137
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I. ,Pasupulety,L .:IR investigation of the oxidation of propane and likelyC-3 and C-2 products over group IV B metal oxide catalysts, J.Phys. Chem. B (2002)106(49):12747-12756
  • Hasan M.A., Zaki, M.I., Pasupulety,L .:Oxide-catalyzed conversion of Acetic acid into acetone:an FTIR spectroscopic investigation, Applied Catalysis A:General (2003)243(1):81-92
  • Bumajdad, A.; Zaki M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L., ‘Microemulsion-based synthesis of CeO2 powders with high surface area and high temperature stabilities, Langmuir (2004) 20 (25) :11223-11233
  • Bumajdad, A.; Zaki, M. I.; Eastoe, J.; Pasupulety, L Characterization of nano-cerias synthesized in microemulsion by N2 sorptiometery and electron microscopy :J.Coll.Interface Science(2006)302(2)501-508
  • Bumajdad, A.; Eastoe, J.; Zaki, M. I; Heenan, R. K.; Pasupulety, L.: Generation of metal oxide nanoparticles in optimised microemulsions, J. Coll. Interface Science (2007) 312(1)68-75
  • Bumajdad A.;. Hasan M.A.; Zaki M.I. ; Mekhemer G. A. H.; Pasupulety L.; Mathew A. : Impacts of CuOx additive on the CO oxidation activity and related surface and bulk properties of a nano-CeO2 Catalyst,Reaction kinetics,mechanisms and catalysis(2010)99(2).

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