![Dr. Jaykumar V](https://pes.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Dr.-Jaykumar-V.jpg)
Dr. Jaykumar V
Dr. Jaykumar V
Professor at the Department of Management Studies with 4 years of Industry and 17 years of teaching experience. He was previously the program coordinator and Associate Professor at the Department of Hotel Management,Christ University. In addition he is also a certified Wine trainer from the Globally acclaimed Wine and Spirit Educational Trust,London,UK. He has conducted various curated sessions on Hospitality in Manipal University. He is also on the Board of Examiners for Mysore University, compiled programme materials for Madurai Kamaraj Kamaraj. On a professional front, he is also a trainer for various Beverage Marketing companies. He has visited Taylors University,Malaysia for fostering Academic tie-ups and strengthen inter-University research publications in 2012. Visited Singapore to attend the Food Asia Summit in 2009, to understand contemporary food and beverage trends. He has also organized several national and international conferences along with conducting workshops for Government Immigration officers, and conducting Quality improvement programmes for enhanced academic rigor.
Professor at the Department of Management Studies with 4 years of Industry and 17 years of teaching experience. He was previously the program coordinator and Associate Professor at the Department of Hotel Management,Christ University. In addition he is also a certified Wine trainer from the Globally acclaimed Wine and Spirit Educational Trust,London,UK. He has conducted various curated sessions on Hospitality in Manipal University. He is also on the Board of Examiners for Mysore University, compiled programme materials for Madurai Kamaraj Kamaraj. On a professional front, he is also a trainer for various Beverage Marketing companies. He has visited Taylors University,Malaysia for fostering Academic tie-ups and strengthen inter-University research publications in 2012. Visited Singapore to attend the Food Asia Summit in 2009, to understand contemporary food and beverage trends. He has also organized several national and international conferences along with conducting workshops for Government Immigration officers, and conducting Quality improvement programmes for enhanced academic rigor.
- Ph.D( Hospitality Management),
- 2015M.Phil( Tourism), Madurai Kamaraj, 2009
- MTM( Tourism), Madurai Kamaraj, 2006
- DHMCTAN( Hotel Management), IHM Chennai, 1996
Additional Information
- A keen Quizzer and Sports Enthusiast
Nominated as Young SKAL Director for SKAL Bangalore in the year 2020 Board of Studies Member for Manipal , MS Ramaiah and Garden City University
- Strategic Human Capital Management
- Brand Management
- Strategy Management
- Retail Management
- Wine Studies
- Food and Beverage Management
- Entrepreneurship Management
- Business and Innovation environment
- As Professor and Chairperson of Hospitality and Event Management, keenly involved in academic, research and extension activities for the program.
- As Professor and Chairperson of Hospitality and Event Management, keenly involved in academic, research and extension activities for the program.
Research Interest
- Wine Studies
- Competency Management
- Brand Management
- Food and Beverages
- Startups and Business Incubation
Research Guidance
Currently on board as external member for 3 management studies research scholars
- A Cursory content study of Indian wine label vis-a-vis new world wine label to enhance impulse buying among novice wine consumers-7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference
- An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Advanced Research Department of Tourism Studies 18/02/2014
- International Conference on Management (GDGU-ICON) GD Goenka University International 10/04/2014
- Contemporary Scenario in Tourism & Hospitality Industry 28/08/2014
- International Seminar on Tourism Leisure and Hospitality-In a Global Economy 24/02/2015
- International Conference on Leadership strategies for Marketing, Accounting,Business, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Tourism Krishi Sanskriti Publications International 15/05/2016
- Wine Festival and Wine Consumerism – A Perspective Study on Influence and awareness in the Growth and Acceptance of Wine in Indian Market International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences) / 2 / 4 / 20 – 36 2349-4476 25 August,2014
- Understanding Modern Tourism in Relation to Contemporary Tourist Psychology Ripples / 1 / 1 / 89 – 95 2229-6794 28 August,2014
- Service Praxis using tablet personal computer (I pad apps)- A proposed framework International Journal of Scientific Knowledge computing and information technology / 5 / 6 / 20 – 28 2305-1493 December,2014
- How to manage the anxiety level of undergraduate students during the last half an hour of written exams to improve written performance scores, International Journal of Research Excellence in Management / 3 / 3 / 57 – 62 2278-7089 November,2014
- Evaluation of Jungle lodges- a Customer’s Perception Exploring Multidisciplinary Approaches / / / 102 – 107 978-967-0173 -09-2 December 2012
- Urban Wine Tourism in South India- Contemporary prospects and challenges Exploring Multidisciplinary Approaches / / / 82 – 86 978-967-0173 -09-2 December 2012
- Hotel Managers perspective of Managerial Competency among students of Hotel Management programme Indian Streams Research Journal / IV / II / – 2230-7850 March 2014
- “An Exploratory Study on Customer Preference to Select the Restaurant Through Smart Phone Applications Based Restaurant Promotion”. Advanced Science Letters,Scopus Indexed / 21 / 6 / 1489- – 1493 ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) une 2015
- A study on “Student preference towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platform to create responsible learning environment” Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 416 – 422 July,2014
- Service delivery improvement models: A review Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 343 – 359 July,2014
- Hotel managers perspective of managerial competency among graduating students of hotel management programme Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 328 – 342 July,2014
- Creating Opportunities through Innovation:The future of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia V.Jaykumar, Leena Fukey, Kandappan Balasubramanium 978-967-0173-14-6 May,2014
- Creating Opportunities through Innovation:The future of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia V.Jaykumar, Leena Fukey, Kandappan Balasubramanium 978-967-0173-14-6 May,2014
- International Conference on Management- Changing face of Modern Retail: The New Economic Order V.Jaykumar 978-93-83842-39-1 April 2014
- Cul-Art Bangalore -10/09/2014
- National Conference on Trends In Hospitality -Hotel Management, Christ University Bangalore 14/11/2013
- Research Writing Skills for Young Researchers:Wine Marketing Techniques Bangalore -28/06/2013
- Oral Hygiene and its importance -28/06/2012
- Master class on Viticulture -08/06/2012
- Wine and Spirit Educational Trust, London Bangalore -08/06/2012
- Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended:Teaching and Learning: Optimal Use of Teaching-Learning Resources of the University – Deanery and Departmental Directives. -Christ University 30/05/2016
- Workshop on Linking Six Sigma to strategy -Faculty Professional Development program -Deanery of commerce and Management 27/11/2015
- Understand design, service and beverage operations 23/11/2015
- Open Box”, – understand operations and management functions, Development 30/09/2015
- Wine and Spirit Educational Trust-Level 2 -Academic Writing Workshop -30/03/2015
- Curriculum Enhancement Workshop Department of Tourism 08/01/2015
- Re-engineering Hospitality thoughts -25/09/2014
- Routledge Editorial Workshop -Taylor and Francis -25/09/2014
- Italian Wine appreciation from Terre Cortesi Moncaro -30/07/2013
- Ph.D( Hospitality Management),
- 2015M.Phil( Tourism), Madurai Kamaraj, 2009
- MTM( Tourism), Madurai Kamaraj, 2006
- DHMCTAN( Hotel Management), IHM Chennai, 1996
Additional Information
- A keen Quizzer and Sports Enthusiast
Nominated as Young SKAL Director for SKAL Bangalore in the year 2020 Board of Studies Member for Manipal , MS Ramaiah and Garden City University
- Strategic Human Capital Management
- Brand Management
- Strategy Management
- Retail Management
- Wine Studies
- Food and Beverage Management
- Entrepreneurship Management
- Business and Innovation environment
- As Professor and Chairperson of Hospitality and Event Management, keenly involved in academic, research and extension activities for the program.
- As Professor and Chairperson of Hospitality and Event Management, keenly involved in academic, research and extension activities for the program.
Research Interest
- Wine Studies
- Competency Management
- Brand Management
- Food and Beverages
- Startups and Business Incubation
Research Guidance
- Currently on board as external member for 3 management studies research scholars
- A Cursory content study of Indian wine label vis-a-vis new world wine label to enhance impulse buying among novice wine consumers-7th Asia Euro Conference 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference
- An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Advanced Research Department of Tourism Studies 18/02/2014
- International Conference on Management (GDGU-ICON) GD Goenka University International 10/04/2014
- Contemporary Scenario in Tourism & Hospitality Industry 28/08/2014
- International Seminar on Tourism Leisure and Hospitality-In a Global Economy 24/02/2015
- International Conference on Leadership strategies for Marketing, Accounting,Business, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Tourism Krishi Sanskriti Publications International 15/05/2016
- Wine Festival and Wine Consumerism – A Perspective Study on Influence and awareness in the Growth and Acceptance of Wine in Indian Market International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences) / 2 / 4 / 20 – 36 2349-4476 25 August,2014
- Understanding Modern Tourism in Relation to Contemporary Tourist Psychology Ripples / 1 / 1 / 89 – 95 2229-6794 28 August,2014
- Service Praxis using tablet personal computer (I pad apps)- A proposed framework International Journal of Scientific Knowledge computing and information technology / 5 / 6 / 20 – 28 2305-1493 December,2014
- How to manage the anxiety level of undergraduate students during the last half an hour of written exams to improve written performance scores, International Journal of Research Excellence in Management / 3 / 3 / 57 – 62 2278-7089 November,2014
- Evaluation of Jungle lodges- a Customer’s Perception Exploring Multidisciplinary Approaches / / / 102 – 107 978-967-0173 -09-2 December 2012
- Urban Wine Tourism in South India- Contemporary prospects and challenges Exploring Multidisciplinary Approaches / / / 82 – 86 978-967-0173 -09-2 December 2012
- Hotel Managers perspective of Managerial Competency among students of Hotel Management programme Indian Streams Research Journal / IV / II / – 2230-7850 March 2014
- “An Exploratory Study on Customer Preference to Select the Restaurant Through Smart Phone Applications Based Restaurant Promotion”. Advanced Science Letters,Scopus Indexed / 21 / 6 / 1489- – 1493 ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) une 2015
- A study on “Student preference towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platform to create responsible learning environment” Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 416 – 422 July,2014
- Service delivery improvement models: A review Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 343 – 359 July,2014
- Hotel managers perspective of managerial competency among graduating students of hotel management programme Elsevier,Procedia / 144 / / 328 – 342 July,2014
- Creating Opportunities through Innovation:The future of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia V.Jaykumar, Leena Fukey, Kandappan Balasubramanium 978-967-0173-14-6 May,2014
- Creating Opportunities through Innovation:The future of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia V.Jaykumar, Leena Fukey, Kandappan Balasubramanium 978-967-0173-14-6 May,2014
- International Conference on Management- Changing face of Modern Retail: The New Economic Order V.Jaykumar 978-93-83842-39-1 April 2014
- Cul-Art Bangalore -10/09/2014
- National Conference on Trends In Hospitality -Hotel Management, Christ University Bangalore 14/11/2013
- Research Writing Skills for Young Researchers:Wine Marketing Techniques Bangalore -28/06/2013
- Oral Hygiene and its importance -28/06/2012
- Master class on Viticulture -08/06/2012
- Wine and Spirit Educational Trust, London Bangalore -08/06/2012
- Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended:Teaching and Learning: Optimal Use of Teaching-Learning Resources of the University – Deanery and Departmental Directives. -Christ University 30/05/2016
- Workshop on Linking Six Sigma to strategy -Faculty Professional Development program -Deanery of commerce and Management 27/11/2015
- Understand design, service and beverage operations 23/11/2015
- Open Box”, – understand operations and management functions, Development 30/09/2015
- Wine and Spirit Educational Trust-Level 2 -Academic Writing Workshop -30/03/2015
- Curriculum Enhancement Workshop Department of Tourism 08/01/2015
- Re-engineering Hospitality thoughts -25/09/2014
- Routledge Editorial Workshop -Taylor and Francis -25/09/2014
- Italian Wine appreciation from Terre Cortesi Moncaro -30/07/2013
Staff Contacts
Staff Contacts
- 8026721983
- jaykumarv@pes.edu
- Management Studies
- 8026721983
- jaykumarv@pes.edu
- Management Studies
- RR Campus
- RR Campus