Ph.D / M.Tech by Research
Part-time opportunities also for teachers and industry professionals.
- Cutting-edge research areas in engineering, science, and management.
- Highly experienced Ph.D. faculty on campus: over 70
- TEQIP/World Bank funding including COE
- Crucible of Research and Innovation (CORI) – for multi-disciplinary research
- Several ongoing funded research projects
- Collaboration with reputed universities and industries
- Fellowship/Scholarship/Financial Assistance available
- Ph.D. and M.Tech by Research in – Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biotechnology.
- Ph.D in – Commerce & Management, Science (Maths, Physics & Chemistry), Computer Applications, Psychology, Nursing, and Pharmacy.
Candidates wishing to pursue research careers in interdisciplinary areas are especially encouraged.
- Ph.D.: A post-graduate degree in a related field of study from a UGC recognized university, with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or equivalent grade point average)
- M.Tech. by Research: UG degree in engineering with at least 60% marks (or equivalent GPA).
- Reservation Categories (as notified by Govt. of Karnataka): 10% relaxation
- Distance Education Degrees: not recognized
- Cover letter
- Deg. Certificates–UG/PG, others
- Photocopies of marks cards, transcripts
- Statement of Purpose
- Recommendation Letters (2 from academic references)
- GRE/ GATE/ CAT/ UGC… scores (optional)
The application enclosing the above documents to be submitted to Registrar.
Program Outline
Ph.D. and M.Tech. by Research
Affiliation: PES University
19 March, 2025
Last date to submit Application
22 March, 2025
Entrance Exam
1st week of April
Ph.D / M.Tech (by Research) Course Work exam Feb./March 2025 FINAL Time Table
Entrance ExamNotification for Ph.D & M.Tech (By Research) March 2025
Examination Notification for Ph.D & M.Tech (By Research) January 2025
Ph.D Course Work Examination Application
Ph.D / M.Tech by Research Entrance exam Notification March 2025
Research Fellowship of upto Rs. 30,000 / month for Meritorious Full Time Ph.D. Scholars
Dean of Research
- Credit compliance for course work within the stipulated maximum time duration
- Successful Proposal Defense
- Credit compliance for Research work within the stipulated maximum time duration
- Compliance with publications requirement
- Open seminars
- Pre-Submission seminar of Synopsis
- Submission of Synopsis
- Submission of Thesis/Dissertation
- Successful defense of the Thesis/Dissertation in the open viva-voce
- Submission of final revised Thesis/Dissertation
- Minimum duration requirement of THREE for Ph.D. and TWO years for M.Tech by Research
- No pending disciplinary action; and no dues of any kind to the University
Admissions open round the year; Processing of applications, quarterly.
- Submit application with enclosures
- Meet Registrar, Dean of Research, domain heads, potential Research Supervisors (i.e., guides)
- Interview
- Selection by Research Admissions Committee
Candidates with a GRE/ GATE/ CAT/ UGC/ CSIR-NET/ NBHM score or equivalent may be given preference
Candidates awaiting final semester PG/UG results are also eligible to apply. Minimum percentage of marks for candidate belonging to SC/ ST/ Category-I/ Physically challenged and any other reserved category as notified by Govt of Karnataka may be relaxed by 10%. Candidates employed in reputed organizations are eligible to apply for part-time research programmes with the approval from their sponsoring organizations.
Interested and eligible candidates should apply through the prescribed application form and take the printout of the filled form. The completed application form along with the prescribed fee of Rs. 1250 in the form of a Demand Draft and relevant supporting documents (degree certificates, marks cards, etc), THREE letters of recommendations (with at least one each from the undergraduate and post-graduate institutions where the candidate studied), a statement of purpose and prescribed fee. Additionally, a valid GRE/ GATE/ CAT/ UGC/ CSIR-NET/ NBHM score or equivalent is preferred. Completed applications should be sent to: Registrar, PES University, 100 Ft. Ring Road, Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bengaluru 560085.
Ph.D. Doctoral Committee Meetings
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